Due to potential safety hazards for young children left unattended, children under the age of 9 must have a parent or adult caregiver in the immediate vicinity of, and in visual contact with, the child at all times. If the child is attending a closed Library program, the parent/caregiver is expected to remain in the Library building and immediately join the child at the end of the program.
Children ages 9 to 12 may use the Children’s Library on their own, but a parent/caregiver must be present in the building. Children ages 9 to 12 should not be given the responsibility of monitoring younger siblings. In such cases, younger siblings will be escorted by security to the security office until parents are located. This is important for their safety.
Young adults ages 13 to 17 are treated the same as adult users and are allowed to be in the building without an adult. However, they are still legally the responsibility of their parents.
The responsibility for the safety and behavior of children and young adults in the Library rests with the parent/caregiver, and not with Library personnel. Library employees cannot be responsible for children who are unattended or demonstrating inappropriate behavior.