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Answered By: Israa Al-Rantisi| إسراء الرنتيسي
Last Updated: Oct 26, 2024     Views: 55

Our Assistive Technology offers adjustable workstations and the latest equipment and software, such as scanning pens with headphones, ergonomic keyboards and mice, braille keyboards, and portable electronic magnifiers. Our main collection includes materials produced for those with disabilities, including large-print books, audiobooks and books in Braille. Refer to this guide for the complete list of devices in the ATC. 

We organize frequent workshops and events for people with disabilities and their families, and host schools for the disabled and partner with local organizations to continue to serve the entire community. Check our Events page regularly for upcoming programs. 

To learn more about our services for people with disabilities, refer to this link.

Did Not Find the Answer?

For general reference questions, submit here. Our reference services are available on the following schedule, and we will address your question as promptly as possible: 

Sundays to Thursdays from 10:00AM to 3:00PM

For a 30-minute reference help interview with a librarian (online or in-person), send your request here. Our reference librarians are here to: 

  • Help find and access the materials you need for your research

  • Assist users in efficiently navigating the databases and Library's website to be confident in their own research efforts

  • Guide users on how to effectively use various Library's search tools such as the catalog and discovery search

  • Help users how to conduct search effectively using filters and search strategies

  • Recommend materials, guides and online tutorials on citations and writing available in the Library's collections.

Helpful Guides

Confused or wondering how to:

For Qatar government and non-governmental related information, check this useful guide (in Arabic)! 

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