Any documents or other files saved to public computers will be automatically deleted. All USB ports are also deactivated or cannot be used. We suggest you send your files to your email address.
For general reference questions, submit here. Our reference services are available on the following schedule, and we will address your question as promptly as possible:
Sundays to Thursdays from 10:00AM to 3:00PM
For a 30-minute reference help interview with a librarian (online or in-person), send your request here. Our reference librarians are here to:
Help find and access the materials you need for your research
Assist users in efficiently navigating the databases and Library's website to be confident in their own research efforts
Guide users on how to effectively use various Library's search tools such as the catalog and discovery search
Help users how to conduct search effectively using filters and search strategies
Recommend materials, guides and online tutorials on citations and writing available in the Library's collections.